Though I had a slight issue with the magazine the model was reading in the shot Zofeen presented in class it was actually a very good shot. Here is another one I liked.

It is very simple but has just the right amount of context as does this one by Jen in Brueggers.

These shots may not strike you as particularly interesting but they are the kind of shots a model would put into his or her portfolio. Here are a couple of nice shots by Carly and Elizabeth who worked the escalator at the bus stop.

Both of them are effective. On Carly’s (top) I like the wider framing and the inclusion of the shadows on the wall providing an interesting graphic. On Elizabeth’s (bottom) I like that she shot through the glass to get some interesting patterns and reflections.

This shot by John demonstrates another good use of the horizontal frame. The placement of the model in the frame is just right and the shallow depth of field helps to direct the eye to her. I also like the slight tilting of the horizon. It gives the shot a little extra something.

I really love this shot by Mattie. The blur, the bleed and the foreground obstruction all give this shot a sense of reality and immediacy. There may not be a lot of context and actually, the shot feels more like fashion lifestyle than business lifestyle but its still effective. And unquestionably, the shot of the week comes from Jen, courtesy of Bruegghers. This guy is delirious! Talk about the decisive moment. Everything comes together in this shot to create that unique moment. It may not be the type of shot you would put in your portfolio but its very effective and publishable.

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