Wednesday, March 3, 2010

Update: Week 9

Wow! That was a grinder of a day! These shoots keep getting bigger and bigger. We must have set a record for the number of designers and dresses we photographed. Nice job everyone. I particularly want to thank Jen and Connell for carrying such a heavy load and Evan for taking one for the team. Thanks guys!
We have an especially important class this week as we have fallen behind on a number of fronts, particularly the tear sheet analysis. Bring tear sheets and magazines to class on Saturday as we need to prepare for the scrapbook project which is due with your final portfolio the following week.
For this week’s critique, bring proof sheets and prints of alternate location, Mass Art location, and the parts shot. Have separate envelopes for each assignment. We are going to do critique a little differently. In addition to the assignments I just listed, I want you to bring everything you’ve shot this term. Bring proof sheets and work prints of all out of class assignments or anything you’ve shot that you think might make it to your final portfolio. We are going to do an intense critique and editing session to determine what your final portfolio is going to look like and what you might need to shoot to complete it. It will be a full day of critique and preparation for the scrapbook.
Oh, and by the way - I will not accept work not specifically shot for this class. If you shot something before this class or for another class, don’t even think about showing it. Now, you may be asking yourself, how will he know? I have my ways. My moles are everywhere! The question then becomes, do you want to take that chance? Do you feel lucky? Well, do you?
And of course, don’t forget your CDs from Mass Art location. We have a particularly daunting task to find all the models we invited and prepare CDs for each of them.
So this is it: the final sprint to the finish line. Let’s finish strong and win this race going away.
Don Cicci

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