Great job with this assignment! Everybody came up with something good. What I am particularly pleased about is, in going over your proof sheets and CDs, for the most part you seem to be identifying your best shots for in-class critique. However, there were a handful that caught my eye that you may have missed.

This shot of Catherine by Carly has a bit more context and action than the shot she offered in class (which was very good!). She is positioned nicely in relation to the light so the face is evenly illuminated. What is missing is the sizzling burgers and steaks on the grill and a spatula in her hand. These elements were all present in the shot of Kasey by Jen on the roof of the MIT frat house, but the light was not right in that one.
The criticism that I offered in class of Elizabeth’s photos was that they felt more like portraits. The tighter croppings tend to minimize the fashion content as does the desaturation of the color. In this shot the fashion content is better displayed in a good composition with a strong graphic and color design.

Though I did like the shot she did of Kasey in the filtered sunlight, here is one in the same location where the filtered light does not fall on the face. I feel the more open light displays the fashion content better. Not to mention the eye contact is very arresting.

This one of Kasey by Jen caught my eye. As I have stated numerous times I have a penchant for the wider composition which tends to put the emphasis on the word “photograph” in the phrase fashion photograph.

What initially grabbed my attention was the face and hair. With the chin up the face is beautifully lit and the closed/squinting eyes look like she’s just enjoying the sun. The hair flip creates a splash pattern that I see mirrored in the vines crawling up the opposite wall. Also notice how the simulated stitching lines in the dress are again mirrored in the vine patterns.
And since I've mentioned Jen, what a great post! And although, yes, only one was actually "lifestyle," they're all strong. I particularly liked the way you juxtaposed the shot of Catherine against the shadowed wall with another shot of just shadows. This is a good example of including non-fashion content in a fashion layout. Very smart!
Here are a couple more of my favorites from the day.

How could I not offer a review of the day without mentioning our new best buddies, the frat boys. What grabs me about this shot by Zofeen is Staci's hands. The way she is delicately stroking his chin and the directness of her gaze is quite mesmerizing. And the lighting is just right. Here is an example where gesture and expression outweigh everything else. Very nice, Zofeen!
And now, my No.1, favorite of the week.....

Now this is "lifestyle." Way to go, Mattie! And even though the model is making eye contact with the camera, she is clearly in the world and in a context. The contrast between her stillness and the blur of the bike rider keeps the eye oscillating between the two forms which complement and define each other. I love it!
Overall, I thought this was a very productive shoot with everyone capturing some strong shots. I just delivered the CDs to Crystal earlier this evening and she is absolutely thrilled! And, I gotta tell ya, it feels good when your clients are happy. It's one of the reasons I keep doin' what I'm doin'. 'Cause happiness is good! I'd like to thank her and our models Kasey, Staci, Kristen, and Catherine for their essential contribution to our efforts, to our art form, and to our happiness.