Monday, May 3, 2010

Lasell Location Shoot

I'm not sure that the rainy weather wasn't a bad thing as we took advantage of some interesting interiors, did a nice job lighting those spaces and created a number of strong shots. Here are the one's that caught my eye.

If you think I'm going a little overboard with this whole shooting through obstruction technique just say so, but as of now I still think its cool! Thank you Connell.

A sweet little shot by Zofeen. Very romantic, not to mention, pink!

Very nice job by John. The wider frame creates a stronger composition which utilizes the white space to draw the eye to the subject.

Oh no! More shooting through obstructions. Thank you Jen.

This one by John really gets me going. Very Helmut Newton!

Is it photoshop? No, its photography! Thank you Jen for getting it in camera.

I see big things for this shot. Strong commercial potential with a tie in to Lasell's art gallery and this particular exhibit by big time designer Yolanda. Look for it on NESOPs graduation poster. Let the campaign begin!

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