Wow! That was an interesting class on Saturday. I trust that you got some great shots. I look forward to seeing your work. Because we will be shooting all day this Saturday, just give me your CD. One copy will be fine as I’ll create separate CDs for each model. Hold off on proof sheets and prints until the following week. Also, the Parts Shot is due that week. So in week 9 we will critique the alternate location, the Mass Art location shoot, the parts shot, and any other outstanding assignments.
Did you know that Gabrielle is half Dominican and, believe it or not, 1/4 Irish?
Did you know that Staci is entering the Miss Maine beauty pageant?
Did you know that Catherine is the President of the Lasell class of 2011?
What other fun facts did you learn about our models on Saturday? You will be quizzed in two weeks when I critique your work.
Ok, now for the big one. This is it, the climax of the term. We will meet at NESOP at 9:00 and leave for Mass Art no later than 9:45. If you have speed lights, bring them. I will take the Photogenic kits in my wagon, but we will need a few vehicles for bodies. You may meet us there if you wish. The address in 621 Huntington Ave. Its a couple of blocks down from the Museum of Fine Arts. The Fashion Dept is on the 6th floor. I’ve asked the models to be there by 9:30 so that when we get there by 10:00 they all should be there. I believe that the designers participating in this shoot are all different from the ones 2 weeks ago. They have pre-scouted the locations and because there are more of them than us (20) some of them will double up on the same basic location. I would like to see you work in pairs so that you can give each other assistance and support, but we’ll have to play that by ear depending on how the numbers shake out.
NEW RULE: CDs must be delivered by 9:00 am. You will not be allowed to burn them in class after 9:00 am, so if you don’t have it, don’t come until you do. You will be marked absent until that CD is delivered.
NEW RULE: Laptops will be turned off and stowed under you seat by 9:00 am. You may turn them on during a break, but they must be off and stowed before class resumes.
And another thing....A number of you who offered the “Dangerous” assignment in class did not turn it in to me. If I don’t end up with it at the end of the day, it never happened. There seems to be a general lack of attention to detail and of following instructions to the letter. Remember: Be prepared, follow directions, show up!
I mentioned at the beginning of the term the Destination Workshop in Detroit. This is ostensibly for PJ and documentary students, but I want to go to shoot fashion on the street. Jackie is planning to go as well, but we need a few more in order to make this happen. This is an opportunity to do some “crossover” work with the PJ class. I’d like to shoot with them and Glen Cooper has expressed an interest in shooting with us. This could be really cool and could build bridges to these other programs. The price for students is $350, not including transportation. The deadline is this Friday, so if any of you are interested, speak up!
So everybody get ready for Saturday. As I mentioned last week in class, we all need to pull together to get done what we need to do. This is not 12 jobs, 12 photographers. This is one job, one class.
-Don Cicci